吳正宇, 長笛/巴洛克長笛

台灣省台中市人,高中就讀省立台中一中並開始學習長笛,師事陳棠亞老師;其後北上就讀國立台灣大學,主修哲學。期間師事安德石老師並於畢業後至國防部示範樂隊服役,師事林薏蕙老師。退伍後,吳正宇赴荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂院 (Conservatorium van Amsterdam) 就讀,主修長笛演奏。師事長笛現代音樂演奏家 Harrie Starreveld、巴洛克長笛大師 Marten Root、交響樂團長笛家 Marieke Schneemann 及短笛家 Ellen Vergunst。
2011年吳正宇於阿姆斯特丹音樂院獲得長笛演奏碩士文憑,並活躍於歐洲與亞洲樂壇。除了受世界音樂家基金會 (Stichting Musicians Worldwide) 邀請定期在荷蘭各城市巡迴演出以外,並於2012年首創"一枝獨秀 - Just a Flute!?"系列音樂會,藉由與作曲家和各領域藝術家的合作積極探索長笛音樂的無限可能性。
吳正宇曾受邀參與的重要國際音樂節包括2012台北國際現代音樂節、2014荷蘭De Link音樂節、2015 WOCMAT與2017 Curto-Circuito現代音樂節。其演出足跡遍及台灣、中國、荷蘭、比利時、義大利、美國、英國、德國、奧地利等地,並先後受邀赴台灣交通大學、台北藝術大學、台灣藝術大學、台灣東海大學、上海師範大學、廈門理工大學、江蘇師範大學、武漢音樂學院等校演講現代音樂專題與演出。
吳正宇現為上海巴羅克室內樂團長笛手與上海國際聯盟合唱團附屬管弦樂團長笛首席。2013年吳正宇籌組現代樂團『TimeArt Studio 時間藝術工作室』,積極推廣古樂及現代音樂。首張個人專輯 《十絕句 - 吳正宇長笛獨奏》於2015年發行並入圍第27屆傳藝金曲獎最佳詮釋獎,個人第二張演奏專輯《Parallaxis 平行交錯》於2018年發行。
2011年吳正宇於阿姆斯特丹音樂院獲得長笛演奏碩士文憑,並活躍於歐洲與亞洲樂壇。除了受世界音樂家基金會 (Stichting Musicians Worldwide) 邀請定期在荷蘭各城市巡迴演出以外,並於2012年首創"一枝獨秀 - Just a Flute!?"系列音樂會,藉由與作曲家和各領域藝術家的合作積極探索長笛音樂的無限可能性。
吳正宇曾受邀參與的重要國際音樂節包括2012台北國際現代音樂節、2014荷蘭De Link音樂節、2015 WOCMAT與2017 Curto-Circuito現代音樂節。其演出足跡遍及台灣、中國、荷蘭、比利時、義大利、美國、英國、德國、奧地利等地,並先後受邀赴台灣交通大學、台北藝術大學、台灣藝術大學、台灣東海大學、上海師範大學、廈門理工大學、江蘇師範大學、武漢音樂學院等校演講現代音樂專題與演出。
吳正宇現為上海巴羅克室內樂團長笛手與上海國際聯盟合唱團附屬管弦樂團長笛首席。2013年吳正宇籌組現代樂團『TimeArt Studio 時間藝術工作室』,積極推廣古樂及現代音樂。首張個人專輯 《十絕句 - 吳正宇長笛獨奏》於2015年發行並入圍第27屆傳藝金曲獎最佳詮釋獎,個人第二張演奏專輯《Parallaxis 平行交錯》於2018年發行。
Cheng-Yu Wu, Flute/Baroque Flute
Cheng-Yu Wu was born in Taichung, Taiwan in 1981. He began his musical education at the National First Senior High School of Taichung under Ms. Li-Ming Chen’s guidance in 1996. He attended National Taiwan University and majored in Philosophy in 1999. Meanwhile, he continued to pursue music career and studied with Mr. Anders Norell and Ms. Yi-Hui Lin. Cheng-Yu was the First Chair flute in the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra between 2003 and 2004 during the military service. In 2005, Cheng-Yu went to Europe and studied music under Harrie Starreveld, Marten Root, Marieke Schneemann, and Ellen Vergunst at Conservatorium van Amsterdam and participated in the Master class of Peter-Lukas Graf, András Adorján, Emily Beynon, and Kersten McCall. In 2011, Cheng-Yu earned his Master’s Degree in Music from Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
Cheng-Yu is known as a flutist and specialized in interpreting variety of music styles. He studied contemporary music with Mr. Harrie Starreveld, and Baroque flute with Mr. Marten Root. He formed his chamber music group, The CVA Trio, with Violist Mr. Victor Gil Gazapo and Harpist Ms. Anna Steinkogler in 2009 and performed in both the Netherlands and Austria. During this time, Cheng-Yu also collaborated with Pianist Harimada Kusuma as Goudsbloemduo in 2008. They have been performing in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Taiwan till today.
In 2012, Cheng-Yu started an experimental solo flute recital project titled "Just Flute?!". The project was well received and soon he was invited to feature in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, and Taipei International New Music Festival. Cheng-Yu is well-known for his creativity of playing different types of flutes for various music styles. In additional to concert performance, Cheng-Yu is dedicated to flute and composition education. He formed a modern music ensemble, TimeArt Studio, in 2013. Cheng-Yu's first flute solo album Ten Poems was released in 2014 and was nominated for The Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music in Taiwan. His new album Parallaxis was released in May 2018. Cheng-Yu is currently active as a flute soloist and a music educator in Shanghai and various cities in Taiwan.