
世界音樂家基金會是由 Ineke Reichenberger-Huygens 女士於2006年創立,其宗旨在於提供年輕優秀的演奏家更多演出的平台。基金會創立至今已成長為每年提供逾五百場音樂會的規模。演出場地深入民間,包括市政廳 、教堂 、學校 、安養院等等。目前約有一百五十名來自世界各地的音樂家與世界音樂家基金會合作,曲目包含古典與爵士風格,共同為把音樂帶到世界的每一個角落的目標而努力。
長笛家吳正宇至今已受邀為世界音樂家基金會演出超過百場的音樂會。合作的對象包括鋼琴家 Harimada Kusuma、Misaki Yamada、Masato Suzuki、Eri Yamamoto、Natsuko Hara、 Yukiko Hasegawa、Inge Buniardi 、 Jelena Popovic 與豎琴家 Anna Steinkogler、Rosa Maria Diaz Cotan 及長笛家 Yoko Tsuruta 與吉他演奏家 Kazuma Yamamoto。
長笛家吳正宇至今已受邀為世界音樂家基金會演出超過百場的音樂會。合作的對象包括鋼琴家 Harimada Kusuma、Misaki Yamada、Masato Suzuki、Eri Yamamoto、Natsuko Hara、 Yukiko Hasegawa、Inge Buniardi 、 Jelena Popovic 與豎琴家 Anna Steinkogler、Rosa Maria Diaz Cotan 及長笛家 Yoko Tsuruta 與吉他演奏家 Kazuma Yamamoto。
Stichting Musicians Worldwide

Musicians Worldwide has been founded on 5th December 2006 by Mrs. Ineke Reichenberger-Huygens in order to be able to organize concerts for young musicians at the Conservatory of Amsterdam, sothat they get stage experience, can try out programs for other concerts and to test out programs for their exams. At the moment we organize approx. 500 concerts a year. Most of these concerts are taking place in homes for elderly people and nursing homes. Those people are not able anymore to go to a concerthall and therefore they should have the
possibility to listen to a live classical or jazz concert "at home". The homes do not have the financial means to organize these concerts and therefore Musicians Worldwide offers the concerts to the homes for which a
lot of fundraising needs to be done to be able to offer the musicians a small compensation.
Cheng-Yu Wu so far has been offered more than 100 concerts by Stichting Musicains Worldwide and he has worked with (pianist) Harimada Kusuma, Misaki Yamada, Masato Suzuki, Eri Yamamoto, Yukiko Hasegawa, Inge Buniardi, Jelena Popovic, (harpist) Anna Steinkogler, Rosa Maria Diaz Cotan, (flutist) Yoko Tsuruta and (guitarist) Kazuma Yamamoto.
possibility to listen to a live classical or jazz concert "at home". The homes do not have the financial means to organize these concerts and therefore Musicians Worldwide offers the concerts to the homes for which a
lot of fundraising needs to be done to be able to offer the musicians a small compensation.
Cheng-Yu Wu so far has been offered more than 100 concerts by Stichting Musicains Worldwide and he has worked with (pianist) Harimada Kusuma, Misaki Yamada, Masato Suzuki, Eri Yamamoto, Yukiko Hasegawa, Inge Buniardi, Jelena Popovic, (harpist) Anna Steinkogler, Rosa Maria Diaz Cotan, (flutist) Yoko Tsuruta and (guitarist) Kazuma Yamamoto.