chamber music / 室內樂集
長笛家吳正宇擁有豐富的室內樂演出經驗,旅荷期間與鋼琴家 Harimada Kusuma合組 Goudsbloem 二重奏,演出的足跡遍及台灣、荷蘭、比利時及義大利等地。2009年與中提琴家 Victor Gil Gazapo 及豎琴家 Anna Steinkogler 組成CVA三重奏,於阿姆斯特丹演出多場音樂會。2010年受邀至奧地利薩爾茲堡莫札特音樂大學 (Universität Mozarteum) 參與作曲家 Franz Richter-Herff 九十歲冥誕音樂會。自2011年起吳正宇移居上海,積極參與室內樂演出,目前於世界各地都擁有活躍的演出夥伴!
The Court Trio 寇爾特三重奏
The Court Trio - 寇爾特三重奏的成員包含長笛家吳正宇、吉他演奏家范曄和羽管鍵琴演奏家 Beven Graham。長年旅居歐洲的三人深受當前主流的「古樂復興運動」(the historical performance movement)影響,以古代的歷史資料為音樂學根據、期望重新還原古樂器當時的演奏方法並以作品產生的時代所用的樂器來演奏樂曲。寇爾特三重奏為觀眾帶來的“原汁原味”巴洛克音樂儼然已經是現今古樂的最新風潮!
The Court Trio - 寇爾特三重奏的成員包含長笛家吳正宇、吉他演奏家范曄和羽管鍵琴演奏家 Beven Graham。長年旅居歐洲的三人深受當前主流的「古樂復興運動」(the historical performance movement)影響,以古代的歷史資料為音樂學根據、期望重新還原古樂器當時的演奏方法並以作品產生的時代所用的樂器來演奏樂曲。寇爾特三重奏為觀眾帶來的“原汁原味”巴洛克音樂儼然已經是現今古樂的最新風潮!
ANEMOI 木管風三重奏
木管風ANEMOI三重奏的成員皆為接受過嚴格的古典音樂訓練的傑出音樂家。來自英國的單簧管演奏家露西.湯瑪斯(Lucy Thomas)畢業於英國格林威治三一學院(Trinity College of Music in Greenwich);臺灣長笛演奏家吳正宇于荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂院(Conservatorium van Amsterdam)取得長笛演奏碩士文憑;美國低音管演奏家泰曼菈.史密斯(Tamara Smith)則是美國亞曆桑納大學(University of Arizona)低音管演奏碩士。木管風ANEMOI三重奏的成員目前都活躍于歐洲、美洲與亞洲的音樂舞臺。
The Anemoi Trio, a woodwind trio named after the Greek Gods of Wind, was formed in August 2013 in Shanghai. The members, who hail from three different continents, share a common and passionate interest in Chamber Music and performance. The troupe performs music from Mozart, Telemann, Shostakovich and Fats Waller to name but a few. They have performed at the Shanghai Concert Hall’s Weekly Radio Concert, and the Shanghai Concert Hall’s 2014 Music Festival; this is their first Crystal Chamber Music performance.
木管風ANEMOI三重奏的成員皆為接受過嚴格的古典音樂訓練的傑出音樂家。來自英國的單簧管演奏家露西.湯瑪斯(Lucy Thomas)畢業於英國格林威治三一學院(Trinity College of Music in Greenwich);臺灣長笛演奏家吳正宇于荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂院(Conservatorium van Amsterdam)取得長笛演奏碩士文憑;美國低音管演奏家泰曼菈.史密斯(Tamara Smith)則是美國亞曆桑納大學(University of Arizona)低音管演奏碩士。木管風ANEMOI三重奏的成員目前都活躍于歐洲、美洲與亞洲的音樂舞臺。
The Anemoi Trio, a woodwind trio named after the Greek Gods of Wind, was formed in August 2013 in Shanghai. The members, who hail from three different continents, share a common and passionate interest in Chamber Music and performance. The troupe performs music from Mozart, Telemann, Shostakovich and Fats Waller to name but a few. They have performed at the Shanghai Concert Hall’s Weekly Radio Concert, and the Shanghai Concert Hall’s 2014 Music Festival; this is their first Crystal Chamber Music performance.
Lucy Thomas / 單簧管
英國單簧管演奏家露西.湯瑪斯(Lucy Thomas)畢業於英國格林威治三一學院(Trinity College of Music in Greenwich)。曾師事于單簧管名家 John Cooper, Joan Enric, Michael Whigh, Fiona Cross等人。擁有豐富樂團經驗的露西.湯瑪斯自學生時期即與著名樂團,例如BBC愛樂交響樂團合作演出,至今仍固定在每年夏季於英國布里斯托爾舉辦音樂會。露西.湯瑪斯目前擔任上海德威英國國際學校木管專任教師,並多次受邀參與國內外樂團與室內樂演出。
Lucy was born in Bristol, UK and began studying the clarinet at the age of 9 with teacher John Miller. She played in the Bristol Schools Symphony Orchestra and for the Avon Light Opera Club and Acta Community Theatre. She was a member of the National Youth Wind Orchestra and attended The Junior Welsh College of Music and Drama where she studied theory and musicianship while continuing her clarinet studies. It was at Chetham's School of Music, Manchester where, as a sixth form student, she had the opportunity with the Chetham’s Symphony Orchestra to perform with the Halle and with the BBC Philharmonic. It was after four years of study at Trinity College of Music in Greenwich, London that she gained her BMus in performance. Lucy then moved to China to become the Woodwind Specialist at Dulwich College, Shanghai.
As a clarinettist she is a freelancing musician and has performed with The Yulan Ensemble and The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra and is a founding member of The Anemoi Trio. Each Summer Lucy returns to the UK to perform around the Bristol area.
英國單簧管演奏家露西.湯瑪斯(Lucy Thomas)畢業於英國格林威治三一學院(Trinity College of Music in Greenwich)。曾師事于單簧管名家 John Cooper, Joan Enric, Michael Whigh, Fiona Cross等人。擁有豐富樂團經驗的露西.湯瑪斯自學生時期即與著名樂團,例如BBC愛樂交響樂團合作演出,至今仍固定在每年夏季於英國布里斯托爾舉辦音樂會。露西.湯瑪斯目前擔任上海德威英國國際學校木管專任教師,並多次受邀參與國內外樂團與室內樂演出。
Lucy was born in Bristol, UK and began studying the clarinet at the age of 9 with teacher John Miller. She played in the Bristol Schools Symphony Orchestra and for the Avon Light Opera Club and Acta Community Theatre. She was a member of the National Youth Wind Orchestra and attended The Junior Welsh College of Music and Drama where she studied theory and musicianship while continuing her clarinet studies. It was at Chetham's School of Music, Manchester where, as a sixth form student, she had the opportunity with the Chetham’s Symphony Orchestra to perform with the Halle and with the BBC Philharmonic. It was after four years of study at Trinity College of Music in Greenwich, London that she gained her BMus in performance. Lucy then moved to China to become the Woodwind Specialist at Dulwich College, Shanghai.
As a clarinettist she is a freelancing musician and has performed with The Yulan Ensemble and The Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra and is a founding member of The Anemoi Trio. Each Summer Lucy returns to the UK to perform around the Bristol area.
Tamara Smith / 低音管
來自美國低音管的演奏家泰曼菈.史密斯(Tamara Smith)出生於鳳凰城,分別於美國北亞曆桑納大學(Northern Arizona University)與美國亞曆桑納大學(University of Arizona)獲得低音管演奏學士與碩士學位。泰曼菈.史密斯有著豐富的樂團經驗,曾經與Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra、Civic Orchestra of Tucson、Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra等知名樂團合作。在上海,泰曼菈.史密斯目前經常性地與上海巴羅克室內樂團合作,並參與多種類型的室內樂演出。
Tamara Smith was born in Phoenix, Arizona and has received a Bachelor’s of Music in Bassoon Performance from Northern Arizona University and a Master’s of Music in Bassoon Performance from the University of Arizona. Tamara has performed with the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, the Civic Orchestra of Tucson and the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra. She currently lives in Shanghai, China and is assistant first chair bassoon with the Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra. She also performs regularly with the Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra and is a founding member of The Anemoi Trio and the Motif Music Wind Quintet.
來自美國低音管的演奏家泰曼菈.史密斯(Tamara Smith)出生於鳳凰城,分別於美國北亞曆桑納大學(Northern Arizona University)與美國亞曆桑納大學(University of Arizona)獲得低音管演奏學士與碩士學位。泰曼菈.史密斯有著豐富的樂團經驗,曾經與Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra、Civic Orchestra of Tucson、Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra等知名樂團合作。在上海,泰曼菈.史密斯目前經常性地與上海巴羅克室內樂團合作,並參與多種類型的室內樂演出。
Tamara Smith was born in Phoenix, Arizona and has received a Bachelor’s of Music in Bassoon Performance from Northern Arizona University and a Master’s of Music in Bassoon Performance from the University of Arizona. Tamara has performed with the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, the Civic Orchestra of Tucson and the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra. She currently lives in Shanghai, China and is assistant first chair bassoon with the Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra. She also performs regularly with the Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra and is a founding member of The Anemoi Trio and the Motif Music Wind Quintet.
Goudsbloem Duo / 金花街二重奏
Goudsbloem Duo 金花街二重奏成立於2008年,成員為長笛家吳正宇與鋼琴家Harimada Kusuma。“金花街”一名來自於阿姆斯特丹著名的音樂家聚集地 goudsbloem straat,除了一般古典曲目之外,Goudsbloem二重奏更素以演奏荷蘭作品著名。2010年於台北十方樂集及台中舉辦「荷蘭長笛之聲」系列音樂會。長笛家吳正宇並獲邀於2011年參加荷蘭室內樂嘉年華演出。Goudsbloem二重奏演出的足跡遍及台灣、荷蘭、比利時及義大利等地。
Harimada Kusuma / 鋼琴
1983年生於印度尼西亞。七歲起開始學期鋼琴,師事於Maria Fenty Alexander。十四歲時進入雅加達YPM Music School,師事於Adelaide Simanjuntak及Iravati M. Sudiarso,並在2003年以準音樂院文憑畢業。2001年Harimada Kusuma贏得雅加達鋼琴大賽第二名的殊榮,並在2001到2003年間舉辦了多場的獨奏會。2003年Harimada Kusuma進入荷蘭鹿特丹音樂院就讀,師事於Mila Baslawskaja,隔年進入阿姆斯特丹音樂院並於2008年取得學士文憑。Harimada Kusuma於在學期間便已十分活躍。除了鋼琴獨奏外更是善於室內樂演奏。在阿姆斯特丹及鹿特丹分別與小提琴家Annet Verboom,長笛家吳正宇及聲樂家Mattanja van den Bos,Sara Gutvill等組成室內樂團體。並分別於2005 、2006及 2010年在雅加達舉辦獨奏及室內樂音樂會。Harimada Kusuma現於阿姆斯特丹音樂院攻讀碩士並於鹿特丹音樂學校擔任教職。
1983年生於印度尼西亞。七歲起開始學期鋼琴,師事於Maria Fenty Alexander。十四歲時進入雅加達YPM Music School,師事於Adelaide Simanjuntak及Iravati M. Sudiarso,並在2003年以準音樂院文憑畢業。2001年Harimada Kusuma贏得雅加達鋼琴大賽第二名的殊榮,並在2001到2003年間舉辦了多場的獨奏會。2003年Harimada Kusuma進入荷蘭鹿特丹音樂院就讀,師事於Mila Baslawskaja,隔年進入阿姆斯特丹音樂院並於2008年取得學士文憑。Harimada Kusuma於在學期間便已十分活躍。除了鋼琴獨奏外更是善於室內樂演奏。在阿姆斯特丹及鹿特丹分別與小提琴家Annet Verboom,長笛家吳正宇及聲樂家Mattanja van den Bos,Sara Gutvill等組成室內樂團體。並分別於2005 、2006及 2010年在雅加達舉辦獨奏及室內樂音樂會。Harimada Kusuma現於阿姆斯特丹音樂院攻讀碩士並於鹿特丹音樂學校擔任教職。
CVA三重奏成軍於2009年,成員為長笛家吳正宇與中提琴家 Victor Gil Gazapo 及豎琴家 Anna Steinkogler。成軍不到一年的時間內便於阿姆斯特丹單舉辦多場音樂會並演出經典曲目如德布希與武滿徹的三重奏等等。2010年受邀至奧地利薩爾茲堡莫札特音樂大學(Universität Mozarteum)參與作曲家 Franz Richter-Herff 九十歲冥誕音樂會,與作曲及聲樂家 Gertraud Stenkogler-Wurzinger 合作演出,於一場音樂會內演出12音與24、31、72微分音四種系統的現代音樂。
以演奏現代音樂著名的CVA三重奏至今已與多名作曲家合作。曾於奧地利首演作曲家 Svete 的三重奏。荷蘭作曲家 André Douw 亦為團中的長笛與豎琴作了 Contrapunt 一曲。作曲家並於首演時表示:“Contrapunt” is written for two excellent musicians: Cheng-Yu Wu and Anna Steinkogler. They understand very well the natural lyricism that forms the basis of this short piece that has its source in the poem of the same name by the Dutch poet Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962). The subject matter of poem and piece is how to relate to “Death”, and Cheng-Yu and Anna express superbly the subtle serenity of the subject.
CVA TRIO was founded in 2009 by flutist Cheng-Yu Wu, harpist Anna Steinkogler and violist Victor Gil Gazapo. Apart from playing the classical repertoire, CVA trio also perform at lot of contemporary music. In 2010, CVA TRIO was invited to Universität Mozarteum in Austria to give a recital to commemorate the great Austrian composer Franz Richter-Herff, together worked with Gertraud Stenkogler-Wurzinger who is a singer and composer.
CVA TRIO is well-known for their open attitude of working with composers. One of the remarkable composition is Contrapunt for flute and harp by Dutch composer André Douw. Below are the words from the composer after the world premiere of this piece ( Dec. 2010, Austria): “Contrapunt” is written for two excellent musicians: Cheng-Yu Wu and Anna Steinkogler. They understand very well the natural lyricism that forms the basis of this short piece that has its source in the poem of the same name by the Dutch poet Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962). The subject matter of poem and piece is how to relate to “Death”, and Cheng-Yu and Anna express superbly the subtle serenity of the subject.
以演奏現代音樂著名的CVA三重奏至今已與多名作曲家合作。曾於奧地利首演作曲家 Svete 的三重奏。荷蘭作曲家 André Douw 亦為團中的長笛與豎琴作了 Contrapunt 一曲。作曲家並於首演時表示:“Contrapunt” is written for two excellent musicians: Cheng-Yu Wu and Anna Steinkogler. They understand very well the natural lyricism that forms the basis of this short piece that has its source in the poem of the same name by the Dutch poet Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962). The subject matter of poem and piece is how to relate to “Death”, and Cheng-Yu and Anna express superbly the subtle serenity of the subject.
CVA TRIO was founded in 2009 by flutist Cheng-Yu Wu, harpist Anna Steinkogler and violist Victor Gil Gazapo. Apart from playing the classical repertoire, CVA trio also perform at lot of contemporary music. In 2010, CVA TRIO was invited to Universität Mozarteum in Austria to give a recital to commemorate the great Austrian composer Franz Richter-Herff, together worked with Gertraud Stenkogler-Wurzinger who is a singer and composer.
CVA TRIO is well-known for their open attitude of working with composers. One of the remarkable composition is Contrapunt for flute and harp by Dutch composer André Douw. Below are the words from the composer after the world premiere of this piece ( Dec. 2010, Austria): “Contrapunt” is written for two excellent musicians: Cheng-Yu Wu and Anna Steinkogler. They understand very well the natural lyricism that forms the basis of this short piece that has its source in the poem of the same name by the Dutch poet Gerrit Achterberg (1905-1962). The subject matter of poem and piece is how to relate to “Death”, and Cheng-Yu and Anna express superbly the subtle serenity of the subject.
Anna Steinkogler / 豎琴
Anna Steinkogler 生於1985 年,奧地利。十二歲開始學習豎琴,十六歲時進入奧地利莫札特音樂大學就讀預備班,師事Edward Witsenburg。高中畢業後赴巴黎攻讀法語及藝術史。2007年進入阿姆斯特丹音樂院並跟隨豎琴家Erika Waardenburg學習,於2011取得學士文憑。Anna Steinkogler並於同年赴柏林漢斯˙艾斯勒音樂院(Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin) 攻讀碩士,師事豎琴家Maria Graf。
Anna Steinkogler曾於2008擔任Bläserphilharmonie Mozarteum Salzburg豎琴首席、2011年International Dutch Youth Orchestra豎琴手,自2012年後更多次與Sinfonieorchester Neubrandenburg及Junges Sinfonieorchester Berlin等德國交響樂團合作。Anna Steinkogler並以獨奏家的身分多次應世界音樂家基金會邀請演出。除此之外,不同於一般古典的豎琴家,Anna Steinkogler積極地參與各種室內樂與現代音樂的演出,並曾於荷蘭梵谷美術館、阿姆斯特丹CREA劇場與奧地利莫札特音樂大學多次辦結合音樂與視覺藝術的跨界演出。
Anna Steinkogler, born in 1985 in Austria, receives her first harp lessons at the age of 12. At 16, she enters the preparatory course at the Mozarteum Salzburg to study with Prof. Edward Witsenburg. After graduating from high school she studies French and History of Arts in Paris and Salzburg and in 2007 continues her studies of the harp at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) with Prof. Erika Waardenburg where she obtains her bachelor degree in 2011. Since October 2011 she is doing a master with Prof. Maria Graf at the renowned Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin (Germany).
To perfect herself as a harpist, Anna Steinkogler attends orchestral courses and master classes with, amongst others, Isabelle Moretti, Godelieve Schramer, David Watkins, Skaila Kanga, Lavinia Meijer, Gwyneth Wentink, Harrie Starreveld, Imai Nabuko and Tan Dun. As a harpist, Anna Steinkogler performes regularly in Austria and The Netherlands in Different chamber music groups, in orchestras and as a soloist. In 2008 she was the principal harpist of the Bläserphilharmonie Mozarteum Salzburg, in 2011 she took part in the International Dutch Youth Orchestra, and since 2012 she is regularly playing for German Orchestras such as the Sinfonieorchester Neubrandenburg and the Junges Sinfonieorchester Berlin. She plays solo recitals as a member of the Musicians Worldwide Foundation in The Netherlands. Since two years, she focuses and chamber music and contemporary music and works on crossover projects with other artistic influences (performances at the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam, CREA Theater Amsterdam, Mozarteum Salzburg).
Soon, Anna Steinkogler starts to teach. From 2010 until October 2012 she is the harp teacher of various children orchestras in and around Amsterdam (leerorkest Amsterdam), works with children with difficult background and, together with the organisation leerorkest, publishes a harp method. To complete her pedagogic abilities, she attends various trainings for music teachers. Since February 2012, she is a harp teacher at the music! school “Bertheau &Morgenstern” in Berlin.
Anna Steinkogler 生於1985 年,奧地利。十二歲開始學習豎琴,十六歲時進入奧地利莫札特音樂大學就讀預備班,師事Edward Witsenburg。高中畢業後赴巴黎攻讀法語及藝術史。2007年進入阿姆斯特丹音樂院並跟隨豎琴家Erika Waardenburg學習,於2011取得學士文憑。Anna Steinkogler並於同年赴柏林漢斯˙艾斯勒音樂院(Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin) 攻讀碩士,師事豎琴家Maria Graf。
Anna Steinkogler曾於2008擔任Bläserphilharmonie Mozarteum Salzburg豎琴首席、2011年International Dutch Youth Orchestra豎琴手,自2012年後更多次與Sinfonieorchester Neubrandenburg及Junges Sinfonieorchester Berlin等德國交響樂團合作。Anna Steinkogler並以獨奏家的身分多次應世界音樂家基金會邀請演出。除此之外,不同於一般古典的豎琴家,Anna Steinkogler積極地參與各種室內樂與現代音樂的演出,並曾於荷蘭梵谷美術館、阿姆斯特丹CREA劇場與奧地利莫札特音樂大學多次辦結合音樂與視覺藝術的跨界演出。
Anna Steinkogler, born in 1985 in Austria, receives her first harp lessons at the age of 12. At 16, she enters the preparatory course at the Mozarteum Salzburg to study with Prof. Edward Witsenburg. After graduating from high school she studies French and History of Arts in Paris and Salzburg and in 2007 continues her studies of the harp at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) with Prof. Erika Waardenburg where she obtains her bachelor degree in 2011. Since October 2011 she is doing a master with Prof. Maria Graf at the renowned Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin (Germany).
To perfect herself as a harpist, Anna Steinkogler attends orchestral courses and master classes with, amongst others, Isabelle Moretti, Godelieve Schramer, David Watkins, Skaila Kanga, Lavinia Meijer, Gwyneth Wentink, Harrie Starreveld, Imai Nabuko and Tan Dun. As a harpist, Anna Steinkogler performes regularly in Austria and The Netherlands in Different chamber music groups, in orchestras and as a soloist. In 2008 she was the principal harpist of the Bläserphilharmonie Mozarteum Salzburg, in 2011 she took part in the International Dutch Youth Orchestra, and since 2012 she is regularly playing for German Orchestras such as the Sinfonieorchester Neubrandenburg and the Junges Sinfonieorchester Berlin. She plays solo recitals as a member of the Musicians Worldwide Foundation in The Netherlands. Since two years, she focuses and chamber music and contemporary music and works on crossover projects with other artistic influences (performances at the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam, CREA Theater Amsterdam, Mozarteum Salzburg).
Soon, Anna Steinkogler starts to teach. From 2010 until October 2012 she is the harp teacher of various children orchestras in and around Amsterdam (leerorkest Amsterdam), works with children with difficult background and, together with the organisation leerorkest, publishes a harp method. To complete her pedagogic abilities, she attends various trainings for music teachers. Since February 2012, she is a harp teacher at the music! school “Bertheau &Morgenstern” in Berlin.
Het Duo / 海特二重奏
海特二重奏成立於2009年,成員為台灣籍的長笛演奏家吳正宇與日本籍的演奏家鶴田洋子。兩名演奏家在亞洲的學習背景截然不同,卻在阿姆斯特丹相遇,並共同師事於長笛現代音樂大師 Harrie Starreveld 及巴洛克長笛大師 Marten Root。由於兩人同樣演奏古今兩種長笛的緣故,海特二重奏的演奏曲目範圍極廣,涵蓋了所有雙長笛的作品。海特二重奏於2011年在荷蘭大學城萊頓 (Leiden) 舉辦第一場音樂會,獲得極佳的評價並旋即於德國與荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam),贊丹(Zaandam)與希爾弗瑟姆(Hilversum)等城市舉辦巡迴音樂會。
Het Duo consists of Cheng-Yu Wu (Taiwan) and Yoko Tsuruta (Japan). Two musicians from different Asian cultures met in Amsterdam and decided to found a flute duo for a wider repertoire. The ensemble was founded in 2009 and started with Toru Takemitsu’s Masque due to the influence of their common teacher Harrie Starreveld. Het Duo’s repertoire basically covers the whole flute history because both of the members are able to play not only modern flute but also baroque flute. In 2011, Het Duo had its first concert in Leiden and performed baroque, classical, contemporary and Chinese music. Het Duo is now active as a chamber music ensemble with its various styles of music.
Het Duo consists of Cheng-Yu Wu (Taiwan) and Yoko Tsuruta (Japan). Two musicians from different Asian cultures met in Amsterdam and decided to found a flute duo for a wider repertoire. The ensemble was founded in 2009 and started with Toru Takemitsu’s Masque due to the influence of their common teacher Harrie Starreveld. Het Duo’s repertoire basically covers the whole flute history because both of the members are able to play not only modern flute but also baroque flute. In 2011, Het Duo had its first concert in Leiden and performed baroque, classical, contemporary and Chinese music. Het Duo is now active as a chamber music ensemble with its various styles of music.
鶴田洋子, 長笛 / 巴洛克長笛
長笛家鶴田洋子出生於1986年日本神奈川縣。12歲時開始學習長笛,師事於 Akihiro Suzuki 以及 Noriko Takaichi。鶴田洋子於2005年進入國立東京藝術大學就讀 (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Musik),師事於長笛家 Tomio Nakano、Eiske Takezawa、Dogen Kinowaki 以及金昌國;室內樂與巴洛克長笛師事於 Akiko Mikami 與 Ririko Maeda。鶴田洋子於2009自東京藝術大學畢業後鶴田洋子即赴荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂院攻讀研究所,師事於長笛家 Harrie Starreveld。
Yoko Tsuruta was born 1986 in Kanagawa, Japan. She started to play flute when she was 12 years old with Akihiro Suzuki and Noriko Takaichi. From 2005, she studied in Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Musik with Tomio Nakano, Eiske Takezawa, Dogen Kinowaki and Chang-kook Kim. She also studied chamber music with Akiko Mikami, Baroque flute with Ririko Maeda.Since 2009, she is a student of Harrie Starreveld in Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
長笛家鶴田洋子出生於1986年日本神奈川縣。12歲時開始學習長笛,師事於 Akihiro Suzuki 以及 Noriko Takaichi。鶴田洋子於2005年進入國立東京藝術大學就讀 (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Musik),師事於長笛家 Tomio Nakano、Eiske Takezawa、Dogen Kinowaki 以及金昌國;室內樂與巴洛克長笛師事於 Akiko Mikami 與 Ririko Maeda。鶴田洋子於2009自東京藝術大學畢業後鶴田洋子即赴荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂院攻讀研究所,師事於長笛家 Harrie Starreveld。
Yoko Tsuruta was born 1986 in Kanagawa, Japan. She started to play flute when she was 12 years old with Akihiro Suzuki and Noriko Takaichi. From 2005, she studied in Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Musik with Tomio Nakano, Eiske Takezawa, Dogen Kinowaki and Chang-kook Kim. She also studied chamber music with Akiko Mikami, Baroque flute with Ririko Maeda.Since 2009, she is a student of Harrie Starreveld in Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
林志強 / 鋼琴
臺灣台中市人,五歲開始學習鋼琴。林志強十七歲開始接觸指揮,擔任臺灣頂尖高中台中一中管樂團指揮,並于臺灣多次巡演,均獲好評。他於臺灣第一音樂學校-師範大學音樂系獲得音樂學士。大學期間曾擔任師大管樂隊副隊長,並加入幼獅管樂團,也於多個職業交響樂團中演奏。曾與數個樂團遠赴奧地利、匈牙利、荷蘭、泰國…等國家巡迴。林志強於美國印第安那-布魯明頓大學(Indiana University-Bloomington)音樂院取得雙碩士學位。管弦樂指揮曾師事傳奇指揮Furtwangler之弟子Thomas Baldner、美國Brevard音樂節總監David Effron、及美國亞特蘭大歌劇院藝術總監Arthur Fagen教授。並修習大鍵琴,師事Yonit Kosovske教授。
留美期間並擔任印地安那-布魯明頓大學兼任講師,負責教導大學部非指揮主修學生,並致力於提倡新音樂,曾擔任印地安那新音樂合奏團助理指揮,指揮演出多首當代國際知名作曲家作品。林志強並曾入選2006年Besancon、2007年Vakhtang Jordania、2010年Evgeny Svetlanov等國際指揮大賽,並獲2010臺灣指揮大賽優等獎。
林志強目前正活躍于指揮臺上,除優秀的指揮能力外,也擅長在音樂會上做樂曲導聆,使觀眾對演奏留下深刻的印象。他尤其擅長Wagner, R. Strauss, Mahler, Stravinsky…等後浪漫時期作品。曾指揮Nevada Symphony Orchestra, Bloomington Philharmonic, 臺北愛樂室內樂坊,臺灣交響樂團,創音樂室內樂團,貴陽交響樂團…等多個美中知名樂團。目前為上海大眾樂團常任指揮,上海音樂家室內樂團常任指揮,及印象樂團音樂總監。
臺灣台中市人,五歲開始學習鋼琴。林志強十七歲開始接觸指揮,擔任臺灣頂尖高中台中一中管樂團指揮,並于臺灣多次巡演,均獲好評。他於臺灣第一音樂學校-師範大學音樂系獲得音樂學士。大學期間曾擔任師大管樂隊副隊長,並加入幼獅管樂團,也於多個職業交響樂團中演奏。曾與數個樂團遠赴奧地利、匈牙利、荷蘭、泰國…等國家巡迴。林志強於美國印第安那-布魯明頓大學(Indiana University-Bloomington)音樂院取得雙碩士學位。管弦樂指揮曾師事傳奇指揮Furtwangler之弟子Thomas Baldner、美國Brevard音樂節總監David Effron、及美國亞特蘭大歌劇院藝術總監Arthur Fagen教授。並修習大鍵琴,師事Yonit Kosovske教授。
留美期間並擔任印地安那-布魯明頓大學兼任講師,負責教導大學部非指揮主修學生,並致力於提倡新音樂,曾擔任印地安那新音樂合奏團助理指揮,指揮演出多首當代國際知名作曲家作品。林志強並曾入選2006年Besancon、2007年Vakhtang Jordania、2010年Evgeny Svetlanov等國際指揮大賽,並獲2010臺灣指揮大賽優等獎。
林志強目前正活躍于指揮臺上,除優秀的指揮能力外,也擅長在音樂會上做樂曲導聆,使觀眾對演奏留下深刻的印象。他尤其擅長Wagner, R. Strauss, Mahler, Stravinsky…等後浪漫時期作品。曾指揮Nevada Symphony Orchestra, Bloomington Philharmonic, 臺北愛樂室內樂坊,臺灣交響樂團,創音樂室內樂團,貴陽交響樂團…等多個美中知名樂團。目前為上海大眾樂團常任指揮,上海音樂家室內樂團常任指揮,及印象樂團音樂總監。
鄭伊婷 / 大提琴
鄭伊婷出生於臺灣省,台南市。2000年赴巴黎求學,師事于法國大提琴教授 Phillip Muller,Jean-Marie Gamard,法國愛樂大提琴首席Daniel Raclot等。留法期間,與許多藝術家合辦“現代藝術與音樂”音樂會 巴黎蓬比杜中心Centre Pompidou演出,曾代表學校參加巴黎聖德尼室內樂音樂節( Festival de St.Denis) 法國巴黎巡迴演出一個月,並獲得法國國家藝術人文電視臺征選,參與美國室內樂大師 Paul Katz在巴黎國際藝術村的大師班專題節目。
2008年畢業於巴黎市立音樂學院( CNR de PARIS) 獲得法國國家認證的大提琴演奏高等專業音樂文憑(DEMS), 同年及受邀於上海東方交響樂團擔任大提琴副首席,並在隨團期間與各大音樂家在法國,芬蘭,韓國同台演出。目前以獨奏家的身份受邀於臺灣及中國各地舉辦室內樂音樂會及個人獨奏會。
鄭伊婷出生於臺灣省,台南市。2000年赴巴黎求學,師事于法國大提琴教授 Phillip Muller,Jean-Marie Gamard,法國愛樂大提琴首席Daniel Raclot等。留法期間,與許多藝術家合辦“現代藝術與音樂”音樂會 巴黎蓬比杜中心Centre Pompidou演出,曾代表學校參加巴黎聖德尼室內樂音樂節( Festival de St.Denis) 法國巴黎巡迴演出一個月,並獲得法國國家藝術人文電視臺征選,參與美國室內樂大師 Paul Katz在巴黎國際藝術村的大師班專題節目。
2008年畢業於巴黎市立音樂學院( CNR de PARIS) 獲得法國國家認證的大提琴演奏高等專業音樂文憑(DEMS), 同年及受邀於上海東方交響樂團擔任大提琴副首席,並在隨團期間與各大音樂家在法國,芬蘭,韓國同台演出。目前以獨奏家的身份受邀於臺灣及中國各地舉辦室內樂音樂會及個人獨奏會。